Peer teaching is the way to go!

Many students learn much better when helped by their peers.  Sometimes students do not understand what is taught instantly, therefore, teachers use those that understood better to explain and help those that didn't understand the material taught.  However, there are some students who may not really benefit from peer teaching, but majority of students will always understand if helped by their peers. What do you think? 


  1. I think that peer teaching is a very valuable asset, especially in this class. When we put a CALL perspective on it, I think that peer review becomes even more valuable since one of the main goals of CALL is to communicate with each other using various modes.

    I think that since we've all taken the TESL method courses, we should be accountable to better quality feedback to our fellow classmates with regards to peer teaching. This will not only allow our peers to get better reviews, but also increase our personal growth in areas where perhaps we are not as strong.

  2. One of the issues in teaching CALL is how do you disseminate your CALL knowledge to the student? I think peer teaching is an excellent way to do this. Not only is it more practicable for the instructor, but it also allows for interaction and communication among students. It has the potential to boost students' confidence to know that they are among peers who are able to help them without judging them.

    I think a larger question is is there a systematic way of using peer teaching when teaching a new CALL technology to the class?

  3. I agree with you that peer teaching is very helpful, especially for our TESL program. Our internatioal students can learn about the teaching and learning systems in United State from our American classmates. It is also good to know different teaching methods around the world, and I got many benefit from my classmates because they had many years' teaching experience or they are teaching right now.

  4. A thought that occurred to me is that expectation of peer teaching and peer learning has to be built into the course. Otherwise, some students (perhaps those educated in the traditional vein) may consider that the teacher is slacking off and the students are doing the teacher's work.


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